I have been in the nail industry for 10 years and have worked for myself for 5 years.
As a tutor I love seeing the students succeed, for myself it’s the most rewarding role to teach something I am so passionate about, sharing skills and teaching the students to become the best they can be.

After I trained as a nail technician I was lucky enough to get a job in a nail salon where I furthered my training in all aspects of nails that then carried my through to creating my own business which I had for 5 years. I am so thankful for all the lovely clients I have had through the years.
One of my favorite parts of the job is seeing the happiness of the students when they master something, it’s so satisfying to know that I can pass on all my knowledge to help others learn and to be the best nail tech they can be.
“Not everything that is faced can be changed but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”