I started my career as a massage therapist and then went on to qualify as a beauty therapist. After I graduated I started my own business called Tangerine Skin and Body and it has been a great success. But I have always wanted to tutor beauty therapy. The stars all lined up and the timing was perfect and I am so stoked to be part of Premier.

Where you get your inspiration from?
My parents, my mom is my advisor when it comes to life and kids. I am very family orientated so family means the world to me.
When you ask me where I get my inspiration from for beauty well that's easy, I love making people feel pretty, every person you meet has a beautiful side to them - you just have to help them get to know that side.
If you could teach me something about beauty now what would it be?
Start by taking care of your beauty from the inside, this can be mentaly, physically or even just the way you are treating yourself, then your inner beauty will shine from itself.
What is your favourite time of day, and why?
Evening, spending time with my family and hearing how their day has been.