Denise Coffey shows us that you don’t have to do just one thing, you can do it all if you want to. Denise is a mother of 1 and currently studying two fields. The world is hers to take so we asked her a few questions about Premier and what her future plans are.
How has your journey been with Premier Institute of Education so far?
Like amazing!! - I loved every moment so far, learned so much.
My favourite Maori quote:
“Ko te hiahia mo te kapua nui ka taea e koe te ngaro i te maunga tiketike.” Aim for the highest cloud so that if you miss it you will hit a lofty mountain.
How have you found the support and learning environment at Premier?
Support is exceptional, the way they encourage you and they won’t give any criticism.
What made you choose the Premier Institute of Education?
It was meant to be, me and my friend were talking one day about us wanting to become hairdressers, so we started googling and came across the Premier website. We booked a tour and we started studying together.
What are your future career prospects?
I would like to rent a chair, and to become a colourist.
Is this course everything you expected?
There are more blow waves than what I thought there should be but now I am great at it. I knew I would love it but did not think I would REALLY love it.
When you are not at college, where would we find you?
I study part time at Massey University - Bachelor of Art in Maori history.
If you can choose to be any animal which one would you be and why?
For a sense of freedom and sight: Hawk - nothing is holding you back.
For personality: Kangaroo - lots of energy and always on the go, but my baby comes first.
What’s the most interesting thing you’ve done or seen this week?
I recently went to the Stan Walker show, I love going to concerts, I enjoy watching everyone come together and enjoy the sound of music and how it makes you feel.