What made you want to study Hairdressing?
We both have the same interests where we always liked to experiment and play with each others hair, and also our brother is a barber and we think that might have helped us to make this decision.
What made you decide to study at Premier?
I researched a few hairdressing colleges and we could not make up our minds until we heard that Premier does holistic learning where we can work on clients and learn at the same time that made us excited to enrol. Now we are both studying here and we are so excited to be learning hairdressing together
What are your future career prospects and how do you think Premier can help you achieve those?
Start our own hair salon called “Eagles Cuts”
Who do you admire most in life?
We admire our mom, ever since we were young she worked so hard to provide for us and that makes us so grateful to have a mom like her.
If you can choose to be any animal which one would you be and why?
J: Jacquard - fearless and well-grounded.
S: Eagle - Even though it is our surname I just admire the big bird and makes me feel that every time I say my surname it makes me believe that I can take on the world.